Leto's plateau
You approach an odd-looking wolf, he is faced away from you talking to a few pregnant wolves and giving orders on where to go. You can tell he senses you by how his ears turned towards you when you first stepped into the cave. The pregnant wolves nod and wobble towards their birthing places. The wolf suddenly turns to you, looking you up and down, assessing you. "Ello, you here for a pup eh?" you nod and the wolf motions you to follow him.
As you wad further into the cave, pups are wresting, being born, and the mothers are glaring at you with their teeth bared. "Don't mind em, they're all feisty" the odd wolf says. His quartz eyes roaming the room. "Take a look, holler if ya need me."
You walk around the cave, looking for your perfect pup.
All pups labeled give/giveaway/new puppy/1,2,3, etc are up for grabs
I check up on these pups often, if they are labeled for sale, giveaway, or R&C I will ask for them back.
Take as many as you want
PLEASE take care of them, if you can't send them back.
Always able to send food/amusement with the pups, just ask.
You MUST have a healthy pack (No neglect, unamused, unfed wolves) Talk to me about exceptions.
Inquiries about the mothers are allowed, ask beforehand, they will be for sale only.