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Herbalist's place, smelling of herbs

You enter a small space that is reliably protected from wind, rain and direct sunlight. There are so many herbs, mixtures and medicines here! They are laid out in secluded places, wrapped in bundles or poured into containers made of wood, and some parts of the plants are dried at the entrance to the lair. It seems that the herbalist does not sit idle when the pack stops after a long journey.
Here he is. A slender gray wolf looks up from laying out flowers and stems in different pieces and nods when he sees you: "Hello. My name is Moonsmoke. Have you come to help with the sorting of herbs? Or do you need some kind of medicine?" Without waiting for an answer, he returns to his task and adds, "If anyone needs help, call me right away, okay?"

Herbalist's place, smelling of herbs
Name Stats Info Currents
Ольшаник ★ Herbalist
634 stats L6 Male 2 years 11 months (Adult) 2y 11m Herbalist