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Ice Stalkers

Power Is Power

Ice Stalkers are a specialized group of Hunters that hunt on the sea ice, taking after Polar Bear's hunting behaviors, and as such, are direct competitors to the large white bears, and many are killed in confrontations.

Ice Stalkers are often older members of Land Treaders that get promoted after showing great responsibility and strength. Ice Stalker's are also the only group of Hunters that utilize tools such as Harpoons and ropes to hunt.

Invented by the third Pack Guide, Harpoons are used along with strongly crafted rope to haul the seal out of the water and up on the ice to kill and drag home. These Harpoons are made of carved bone, and are barbed. Ice Stalkers might also utilize Spears to fish when off duty.

Ice Stalkers are very important to the Pack, as the fat from the seals are essential to the Pack's way of life. Seal skin is used to make water proof carry bags and clothing, while Seal fat and oil are used as the main food and medical source for the pack.

When not on big hunts for seals, Ice Stalkers often go on fishing patrols in groups of two to stock up on another essential food source; fish.

Ice Stalkers
Name Stats Info Currents
Ice Stalker Leader
608 stats L11 Female 4 years 7 months (Adult) 4y 7m Breeding Cooldown (3 rollovers)Hunter
Ice Stalker
409 stats L8 Male 2 years 2½ months (Adult) 2y 2½m Hunter