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9. Y'all Come Back Now, Y'Hear?


However, most pups taken in to the desert stars do not tend to stay forever. Resources and territory are scarce, and once wolves are old enough to survive on their own, wolves are encouraged to go on a spiritual journal to decide whether the desert is their true home, or they want to make a new home in a new pack

They fast for several days leading up to it, to prepare them for the hardships on the road. Then, as they reach their first year, there is a big feast of celebration.

Where they playfully chase one another away. This is a form of reclamation, as many of the desert stars had previously been driven out of their pack, this is their way of turning it in a positive way.

However, any wolf who leaves the desert stars is always welcome to return - as there is always a home for wolves who are unable to find their place.


9. Y'all Come Back Now, Y'Hear?
Name Stats Info Currents
398 stats L1 Male 0 years 11 months (Adolescent) 0y 11m UnhappyWill Leave!Trade