2. Legacy Heir Project
The legacy heir project is a long-term generational challenge of mine, where my goal is to breed a wolf with lineage from as many of my friends' leads and studs as possible, both past and present.My rule for this challenge is that this lineage must be recorded in their family tree, so a legacy wolf who is chased and then reclaimed would not count for this challenge. Inbreeeding also must be avoided, though lineage in the family tree that is off the first page will not be counted.
Stuff below is for my own records, feel free to ignore
Current Legacy Pairs:
Echo (DT/Baxter/OHW) x Orion (Murdoc/Ailyn/Solstice/Siris) - Gen 2
Joshua (Reaper/Daine/Neph) x Palo Verde (Loras x Burke) - Gen 2
Mercury (Kojo) x Aurelia (Haurchy/Kao/Car/Cin) - Gen 2
Space Cowboy (Jingle) x Hanspur
Styx (Cove/Vivienne/Lif/Nyx/Erebus/Echo) x Big Iron (Phantom) - Gen 2
Zeitgeist (Blitz) x Manticore (Sphinx) - Gen 1
Redemption (Trigger/Chaos/Razor) || Stud: Ellipsis
Nat (Kirari/Jasindra/Jingle/Fie/Murdoc/Ailyn) || Stud: Albae's
Changeling (Kiera/Fie/Jingle/Murdoc/Ailyn)
*Note: No pairbond yet, save for Chosen/Shadow/Tama/Legend Kid
Future Plans:
Echo Heir x Goose's Heir (special light?)
Redemption Kid x In Medias Res --- (Pair with future pie?)
Manticore Kid x Big Iron Kid (Both mono dark)
Nat's Kid x Diaspore (both split)