Endless SnowGrove
SCOUTSmust have High Strength101 and High Wisdom101STALKERS must have high stats in wisdom and smarts.
CHASERS must have high stats in speed and agility.
FINISHERS must have high stats in strength.
Hunting Party; Avalanche-Friendly=Romance
| !Frostz! | Effect | Hope | Latharn | Aurel |
Hunting Party; Felmantles-Friendly=Romance
| Bernardette | Félicité |Jakeem | Lazare | Sourd |
Hunting Party; Large Vultures-Agressive+Stoic
| Falah | Ludivine |Agata|Dane|Sultan|
Hunting party;Ominous Outlaws-Friendly=Romance
| Mok | Jamba | Brenin|Francine|
Hunting Party; Solardawn-Agressive+Stoic
Hunting Party; Ironheads