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This is my freebie cave! I am not going to beg you to read these guidelines but I would prefer if you did, so you can know if you want to reserve one, etc.

  • You can take as many as you want.

  • PLEASE do not take one just to sell or enclave it immediately. You can do what ever you want with it once it's yours of course, but I could have sold it or enclaved myself.

  • You can take one for your friend.

  • You can reserve one. See rules on reserving below.

  • Any wolf named "reserved", "for (player)", or "gift" are not up for grabs.


You may reserve a wolf. Please keep these conditions in mind.

Pups that are still nursing but are named "T2 F/M R&C" , "T1 poss carrier" or "enclave-sell" are also up for reserving. These are in my Pregnant/Nursing Mothers cave.

If you reserve a wolf, I will hold it until it ages up. I will hold it for one rollover after that. After the one rollover it will be chased or sold. All R&C wolves that aren't claimed are chased the day they age up.

If I notice that the adolescent is about to age up and you haven't claimed it, I will PM/DM you to let you know.

You can PM/DM me for special circumstances.

Please keep in mind that pack slots are expensive, and so are the materials to keep the wolves from leaving. This is why I cannot keep them for long when they are adults.

Extra Things to Know

If the gift I send you of wolves expires, the wolves are up for grabs again/not for reserve anymore. You can claim them again of course, if no one claims them in the period that you were absent.

Keep in mind I frequently train my pups and adols, so if it takes a little bit for me to send it to you, that's probably why!

Don't mind any trades they may be in. I am just trying to get rid of the T1s usually. If it's for sale but I'm not trying to give it away, it will be in another cave.

Every wolf named "poss __ carrier" has the possibility to be a carrier of the mutation in the blank. This is usually hereditary cataracts due to my stud being a carrier for it. But occasionally there will be possible melanism, albinism, or brachy carriers. I'm a huge carrier breeder.

That being said, any wolf named "___ carrier" are for sure carriers of that mutation. I only check T2s and up, because it's expensive. I will usually have at least one carrier available.

layout by #202

Name Stats Info Currents