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Wandering Souls

All wolves in this cave are for sale (unless they're being raffled) and will no longer be fed or played with. They get chased if they're TI/II and don't sell. Feel free to PM me about any of the wolves you see here!
My Pricing Guide
10SC - TI
20SC - TII
* if only T0/1 marks, 1SC per marking *
+10SC - T2/3/7/8/9 Marks
+10SC for special eyes
+5SC - 80-99 (~)
+10SC - 100-149 (+)
+15SC - 150-199 (++)
+20SC - 200+ (+++)
-- TIII & T* --
Subject to pricing on TC mixed with my Pricing Guide

Wandering Souls
Name Stats Info Currents
208 stats L1 Female 1 year 0 months (Adult) 1y 0m Trade
379 stats L1 Male 0 years 10½ months (Adolescent) 0y 10½m Trade