The Shooting Stars ★✧
For Sale & Giveaway
For Sale • ✧ | For Giveaway/Free • ★
Wolves in this den are all up for sale unless they have a username.
Other then those any unsecured wolves in any of my dens can be asked about including unweaned pups! (Sometimes I forget to secure wolves but dont be afraid to ask)
Offers are always welcome!
For more specifics on items im looking for check here!
For more specifics on wolves im looking for check here
Pricing can vary check below!
Generation can increase the price and the rarity of the base can as well, I try to keep my prices lower than TC but not too low so I still get profit.
T1/T2 Can be as low as 250SC/1GC
T3 Can be as low as 5,000SC/10GC
T* Can be as low as 7,500SC/15GC
Can be as low as 250SC/1GC
Can be as low as 1,500SC/3GC