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Pm me who you'd like from here, anyone at 11 1/2 will be chased away as there is not enough space to keep them until the next rollover, otherwise there will be alot of wolves leaving due to over crowding(milk)and the like and then there will be a wolf who you wanted who is then gone afterwards from it!


1. Please do not resell a wolf here that you didn't pay for, if you got them for free don't make someone pay for it please!

2. If you no longer want the wolf send it to someone else or back to me!

3. Mother's who are expecting or nursing are NOT for grabs, they're pups are reserve able unless stated otherwise!

4. Please do not beg for a wolf or complain you didn't get who you wanted, it's fcfs

5. Please be aware I'm not always available to answer back as I do play Lioden and Flight Rising or Roblox as well besides Wolvden!

6. Please include the codeword hidden around here, that way I know you agree to these rules and understand and will abide by them!

7. ANY pup with keeping in they're name aren't for grabs as I'm keeping them personally if you'd like any pups from a pair when they breed again please let me know in advance, I will pick what pup(s) I'll keep and show you the rest!

8. Please do not raise and chase the pups, if I give you them and you say you'll keep them but chase them after I will be less likely to give you more, no offense to this just please don't lie that you'll keep them and then don't

More puppies will be sent here if they haven't been weaned yet or if they are, if you see a newly adopted puppy thier not free since I had to pay to get them from either someone else or enclave

Ignore the ad! dummies in this den looking for home, please do not raise and chase, fcfs!

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