Moonlit Blessed Branches ~ Lunar-Blessed
~Howling Moon Temple~
This den houses the moon blessed demi-god wolves of the pack. Despite being demi-gods they are still normal wolves, they possess otherwordly powers.
This is a roleplay story in the process.
Sorceress/Sorcerer of Affliction
Leader of the demi-gods
1st: Darkness Within Nature
Keeper of the Fallen
Demi-god of the deceased
1st: Watcher of the Graves
Seeker of True Passion
Demi-god of matchmaking and socializing within the pack.
1st: Sunset Over Coast
Warrior of the White Moon
Demi-god of war and battle, protector of the pack
1st: Heart of Ivory
Shadow of the Blood Moon
Demi-god of shadows and stealth
1st: Cold Moon Abyss
= Ongoing /
= Completed
Current time used for socializing: 7hrs / Current status:
~ Friendly & Romantic ~
Sequoia, Nighthawk, Caribou, Deadbush
Darkness Within Nature, Watcher of the Graves, Sunset Over Coast, Heart of Ivory, Cold Moon Abyss
Bearclaw, Timberheart, Oakrunner, Hawkwatcher, Skunkbite
Rabbitwood, Crowtalon, Weaseltail, Eclipsehowl, Stagcahser
Moonfog, Smokewood, Needlebite
Redclaw, Blazemoon, Thornbush, Otterbark, Bearhowl
Troutchaser, Sunpetal, Maplewood, Coyotefur, Cloudmoon
Creekwater, Owlperch, Robinfeather, Acornroot, Cedargrass
~ Aggressive & Stoic ~
Claywater, Yellowsand, Stormfur, Ravenheart, Snowflower
Burningfur, Dawnbone, Rustfang, Doefir, Grayhowl
Timberfern, Deadhowl, Dawnfog, Nightwood, Woodhowl
Blackfeather, Hollymist, Dovepond, Fallenfeather, Cindermint
Firewatcher, Stormsky, Rainfall, Snakefang, Bushpelt
Skuabite, Eradoxin, Rotbark
~ Unsocialized adolescents & puppies ~
Narcissuspaw - Aggressive
Squirrelpaw - Friendly
Finchpup - Stoic