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Special wolves cave

Any travelers are free, just pm me

Whenever you get a traveler from this cave, you'll also get 50 SC as a thank you for taking the wolf.

A cave for traveling wolves, and wolves I'm taking care of for someone.

If you have too many pups or wolves but you don't want to chase/sell, you can gift them to me with a message of how long you want me to keep them, and I will give them back.

1. You can only get a wolf from this cave if you have traveling wolves enabled.

2. You can only take traveling wolves, or wolves that are yours that you gave to me to look after.

---------- Travelers! Claim for random, PM for specific
(Wolf link here)(Information here) traveler, goes to FC
---------- Travelers! Claim for a random one! Each wolf comes with food+amusement and 100 SC!
Hi, I just want to let you know that I bred your traveler (travelers name as link here). Would you like any of her pups? Here are the links: (pups links here)
Hi, I just want to let you know that I can't take care of your traveler (travelers name as link here) anymore, as I don't have any space. Could you please recall them? If not, I understand. Thank you.

Special wolves cave
Name Stats Info Currents
399 stats L2 Male 1 year 3½ months (Adult) 1y 3½m