Special wolves cave
Any travelers are free, just pm me
Whenever you get a traveler from this cave, you'll also get 50 SC as a thank you for taking the wolf.
A cave for traveling wolves, and wolves I'm taking care of for someone.
If you have too many pups or wolves but you don't want to chase/sell, you can gift them to me with a message of how long you want me to keep them, and I will give them back.
1. You can only get a wolf from this cave if you have traveling wolves enabled.
2. You can only take traveling wolves, or wolves that are yours that you gave to me to look after.
https://www.wolvden.com/cave/172921 Travelers! Claim for random, PM for specific
(Wolf link here)(Information here) traveler, goes to FC
https://www.wolvden.com/cave/172921 Travelers! Claim for a random one! Each wolf comes with food+amusement and 100 SC!
Hi, I just want to let you know that I bred your traveler (travelers name as link here). Would you like any of her pups? Here are the links: (pups links here)
Hi, I just want to let you know that I can't take care of your traveler (travelers name as link here) anymore, as I don't have any space. Could you please recall them? If not, I understand. Thank you.