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Rippling Vines

Rippling Vines

An insulated, surprisingly cozy stone cave overgrown with vines. The inside is eternally dim, casting a soft glow against the walls and floor even when the sun is at its peak. On the inside, carved-out stone shelves line the walls near the Nurse's nest, packed full of herbs, medicines, and other remedies. The insulation within the cave keeps the herbs from drying out too quickly in the heat, or freezing in the cold. Outside, only a few pawsteps away from the den's entrance, is a crystal-clear stream of water that provides constant calming background noise to the Nurse and patients. This stream is frequently used to clean wounds or provide water to patients.

The Nurse's nest is located near the back wall to one side, littered with sweet-smelling herbs. From here, the Nurse can see any trouble trying to sneak up on their patients, and pained whimpers will bounce off the stone walls to their ears with ease. The Student's nest isn't far, sleeping nearly side-by-side with the Nurse. If one of them doesn't rise to the sound of suffering, the other will.

Rippling Vines
Name Stats Info Currents
528 stats L8 Male 2 years 4 months (Adult) 2y 4m HerbalistSecured
425 stats L9 Female 2 years 1½ month (Adult) 2y 1½m In Heat (1 rollover)ScoutSecured