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The First

These wolves are from the batch of pups that Queen Nydia, the first leader of the Crows' Nest, that have made it to adulthood and now serve the pack. The following wolves are included as the first wolves who have grown into adulthood within the pack:

Abnus - A wolf adorned by the colors of his fur, brown and black. He characterized by his ability to... not swim? Most of his packmates tease him about it, but he makes up for that with his ability to finish off prey and enemy predators effectively.

Abrion - With her mother's marengo-black coat and her father's brown eyes, she is the heir of the throne, with her sister Arturo as the spare.

Aristi - The eldest she-wolf of the batch who has looked out for all, and the first to earn her title for her hard work. She is the first herbalist of the Crows' Nest. She is considered the most intelligent of the batch, and is the most respected due to her role and duties as the herbalist.

Arturo - With her knowledge of her mother's anger towards her father, Antares, and demonstration of such due to Arturo's resemblance of him, the white she-wolf was placed as a spare. She created her own precise nature, obsessed with making and doing anything as perfectly as possible.

Branok - A particular favorite of Queen Nydia, this biotite-coated wolf is the friendliest and most multi-faceted of the batch, often shy. However, his skills in stalking, detection, and tracking, as well as navigation, makes him a key asset to the pack's success in hunting and spotting danger in undiscovered biomes and pack territory with his observant personality.

Caileigh - He's the only brown wolf that qualified the selection, and is the most manipulative and hostile wolf of his batch. He does not get along with his batchmates well, and tends to pick fights. However, he is respectful enough to know his place, and still honors - and even tries to please - the wolves of the nest in a higher pack role or den group.

Coden - This wolf is the most eager, motivated, and enthusiastic of the bunch. Although, in his younger years, he is known to be the pup who is most vulnerable and at risk. He often wishes that Queen Nydia can change the code, allowing wolves to have their own significant others and possible help in keeping the pack populated and happy.

Fiacre - With his bright, yellow eyes and white chest, it's impossible to misidentify him. Fiacre gets along with most of the pack, but is the most impulsive of the batch. alongside Caileigh, he is one of the more aggressive wolves.

Lonan - Despite being the eldest male wolf of the batch, Lonan is not a very respected member of the group. He joins Caileigh and Fiacre in picking on the more emotionally or mentally weaker packmates, often younger wolves or pups. Though, unlike Caileigh, he does this to help teach the pups to become strong, less vulnerable to such mockery and more fierce in order for them to build themselves a good reputation and improve in their own ways, serving under the current queen or king's leadership.

Merle -

Mrithnun -

Nysha -

Perisoreus -

The First
Name Stats Info Currents
349 stats L3 Male 1 year 5 months (Adult) 1y 5m Hunter
The first to earn her title.
369 stats L4 Female 1 year 5½ months (Adult) 1y 5½m HerbalistSecured
One with the blackbirds.
407 stats L2 Female 1 year 4½ months (Adult) 1y 4½m Hunter