
Welcome to the Scouts Corner, here is where you will find a dark and mysterious-looking cave, yet as you wander further inside you see the beauty of crystals lining around a center pool within the middle of the den, you will find a few wolves, usually one-two but you may find as many as four, these are our scouts the ones that patrol our territories and keep our borders safe from all outsiders, the ones who help us all be it finding good places to find food, herbs or generally just keeping our borders safe and protected from those who would mean us ill intent.
As you wonder inside you can't help but at first, have a shiver go down your spine at the ominous darkness that dwells within, that is of course until you see the beautiful blue glowing crystals that lay lining a crystalline pool in the centre, making you think that perhaps this place isn't as scary as it first appeared giving you a new understanding of the term "Never judge a book by its cover"