Training cave
For pups/adols I want to train, and mentors.
Rules for this cave:
If a wolf is 7+ years old, their role will be changed to mentor, and they will move to this cave
Only adopt/accept pups and adols with 500+ stats, to breed high stats
If I want to train a pup, it will be moved here when it is weaned.
If an adolescent is about to age up and I haven't decided what to do with it/ I haven't trained it, I have one rollover to decide if I want to keep it.
I must decide on a name for a wolf before it becomes an adult
I must decide on a role for a wolf within it's first rollover of being in this cave
Only train wolves if they have a name/are named Keep
So that I know which roles to give them when they grow up
Stalker= Hunter, but a stalker
Train in wisdom/smarts as pup, with stalkers as adol
Chaser= Hunter, but a chaser
Train in speed/agility as pup, with chasers as adol
Finisher= Hunter, but a finisher
Train in strength as pup, with finishers as adol
❤️= Pupsitter
Train in any stat as pup, with pupsitters as adol
🌿= Herbalist
Train in wisdom/smarts as pup, with herbalist as adol
🦅= Scout
Train in any as pup, with scouts as adol
✈️=Traveler (can become one at any age)
Train depending on role wanted
💵= Train to sell/giveaway
Train depending on role wanted
When I need a new leader, a crown will mean a possible choice, and when I need a new breeding male, a pink heart will mean a possible choice.