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Ⅶ. - Nursery [Puppies]

Basic rules and Symbolism


Typical Footnote contains
Personality | Season | Base | Generation | Clean or Dirty | markings
♣️♠️♥️♦️ | 🌷☀️🍂❄️ | T III* | G?? | 🧼⚠︎ | ?m

🌷 - spring born
  • wolves born in the comfort of spring, wich gives new life and rebirth, are mostly seen as gentle souls, and often given the role of pupsitter.
☀️ - summer born
  • wolves born in the season of abundance and joy are seen as the most easy going and happy ones in the pack. they do not usualy have a certain role they are under, but it happens often that they turn into high ranking members.
🍂 - autumn born
  • wolves born in the season of change, wich turnes everything into vibrant colors bevor the long cold winter comes, are often seen as curious creatures, often given the scout role.
❄️ - winter born
  • wolves born in the harsh winter season are often seen as some of the strongest and mostly also the strictest in the pack, not rarely gaining the hunter role.
Note all wolves without a set season are assigned seasons for lore purposes.

♣️ - Aggressive ♠️ - Friendly ♥️ - Romantic ♦️ - Stoic

🧼 - Clean
  • for wolves who do not have any family parts twise in their heritage.
⚠︎ - Dirty
  • for wolves who have at least one or more wolves double in their heritage. Also used for inbreed wolves.
⚜️ - Heritageless
  • for any wolf who does not have any Heritages. This can be Nbw or a customised one.
  • If its in the name its a founder.

:mut: :herbalist: :scout: :pupsit: :bio: :heir: - text
  • text.

- text
  • text.

Ⅶ. - Nursery [Puppies]
Name Stats Info Currents
411 stats L1 Female 0 years 5 months (Puppy) 0y 5m