Giveaways Cave
A cave for wolves I want to give away for free.Any wolves in this cave are free, just pm me
1. There is no limit on the amount of wolves you can take
2. You can do whatever you want with the wolves
3. If a wolf grows up and hasn't been claimed by anyone, it gets chased.
---------- Claim for random, PM (with link) for specific
---------- Claim for a random wolf! Each wolf comes with food+amusement, and 50 SC!
---------- Lots of puppies and adols looking for new homes! Claim for random, PM (with link) for specific
---------- Claim for a random wolf! Lots of event eyes and markings, and some possible carriers!
Hi, I'd just like to tell you that unfortunately (wolf's name as link) has been claimed already. Could you maybe choose another instead? Thank you for understanding.
Sorry for sending them late, they were on their nbw cooldown.
Chase = Not claimed, will chase
Chased wolf (in footnote) = Chased wolf, must not rechase
Free = Free, to be given away (Can be claimed/reserved)
Unnamed wolf (New puppy/New befriended wolf/New adopted puppy) = Can be claimed or reserved
Users ID = Reserved