🧸 pup's grove 🍼

You approach a quieter area of the camp to get a break from all the noise. Or, at least, you thought it was quieter. You have arrived at the pup's grove. There is a rock formation leading down to a burrow-like cave. You step your paws into the entrance, padding down a small pathway into a warm, dimly-lit, lush area. On the right side, a couple of queens are nursing their newly-born litters. Towards the back, a pregnant she-wolf awaiting her new gifts to the world, the successors to the pack. Lastly, on the left side, there are a few wolves playing with older, weaned puppies and teaching them quick lessons; lessons on how to stalk a small piece of prey, or how to howl correctly. A few instruments strung up on the wall play a gentle lullaby; slightly drowning out the sound of older pups yelping and laughing as they play, along with younglings squealing for milk. As you take in your surrounds, a grey wolf with bright, light colored eyes greets you and calls you over!