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A place with a view of the whole camp

From this ledge, the whole camp and the territory behind it are perfectly visible! You look around. There are several more such observation posts around the perimeter of the camp, and guards sit on each one, who from time to time hang their heads to exchange words with passing comrades. This creates a sense of security, no worse than the bramble vines that weave around the walls of other packs' camps. Where you are standing is quite high. You look down and look at the clearing below you. You can't help but notice that the nests are located both in dens in burrows or caves, and in the open air.

A place with a view of the whole camp
Name Stats Info Currents
Завиток *☆ Peacemaker
417 stats L1 Female 1 year 2½ months (Adult) 1y 2½m HungryPupsitterWill Leave!
Обвал *☆ Peacemaker
293 stats L4 Male 1 year 8½ months (Adult) 1y 8½m HungryPupsitterWill Leave!