any wolf that thrives in this cave is free to beadopted into your pack! however, there's also
a few things i wish for you to read beforehand.
☆ only one t3, t*, or mut per person each day
★ if adopting a mut, please don't chase it

☆ the same rule applies for low gen t*s & t3s
★ feel free to do anything with any other wolf
☆ feel free to bookmark this cave!
click below for a clearer explanation of the rules!
ignore this one as it's just for me to copy
and paste into descriptions or ga chat!
please don't chase me as it'll remove my
mutation! if i'm no longer wanted, please
give me to someone who needs me!

thank you

please don't chase me as i am a low gen!
if i'm no longer wanted, please give me to
someone who needs me!

thank you ANYONE in this cave is free! t3s, low gens, high stats! claim for random or pm with CLICKABLE links for specific!