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Herbalist's Grove

A small, yet sprawling grove lays before you. Herbs gathered and growing all around.
Jenaro seems to be showing Albi a new medicine while the large grizzly sleeps.
The Herbalist and Apprentice look at you with expectant, sullen gazes.
Jenaro is the first to speak up.

"Who's hurt this time? Let me guess, Ocaro. Ugh, always stumbling around being obnoxious."
She seems to have little faith in the pup sitter.

Cloudsi comes stumbling in with a bundle of recently collected herbs, bumping into you and lowering her head.
"Ah, so sorry! Jenaro I brought those herbs you asked for! Oh and Albi you'll never believe these weird mushrooms i found!" She continued on and Albi cheered up as she stepped in.

Herbalist's Grove
Name Stats Info Currents
Red Snow Beneath the Tobacco
603 stats L10 Female 4 years 10½ months (Adult) 4y 10½m Breeding Cooldown (3 rollovers)Herbalist