Akicita Den
All males of the pack are ranked as Akicita
They hunt and protect the pack
Akicita is Native American Lakota for "Warrior"
Ma'ii is Native American Navajo for "Fox, Wolf, & Predatory Animals"
Chosovi is Native American Hopi for "Bluebird"
Wanahca is Native American Lakota for "Flower"
Hanwi is Native American Lakota for "Moon Goddess"
Woihanble is Native American Lakota for "Dream"
Adage is Native American Cherokee for "Love"
Mato is Native American Lakota for "Bear"
Shaui is Native American Choctaw for "Raccoon"
Mahli is Native American Choctaw for "Wind"
Hunting Parties
Winter ~ Home: Grasslands // 2nd: Prairie // 3rd: Riparian Woodland
Spring ~ Home: Swamp // 2nd: Desert // 3rd: Rainforest
Summer ~ Home: Desert // 2nd: Swamp // 3rd: Rainforest
Fall ~ Home: Prairie // 2nd: Desert // 3rd: Grasslands
If Lead is 7 year or older, Pack is located in Prairie for map rescouting.
Seasonal Relocation formed by: Alpha Diondre
All Hunt in Home Biome
Has less than 50% Proficiency.
~ Chosovi Akicita ~ Synergy: 0% /Friendly, Romantic / Stalker: 0% - Chaser: 0% - Finisher: 0%
~ Nizhoni Adage ~ Synergy: 64% / Romantic, Friendly / Stalker: 49% - Chaser: 15% - Finisher: 51%
~ Nizhoni Hanwi ~ Synergy: 99% / Stoic / Stalker: 40% - Chaser: 44% - Finisher: 23%
~ Nizhoni Ma'ii Akicita ~ Synergy: 25% / Stoic, Aggressive / Stalker: 17% - Chaser: 0% - Finisher: 0%
~ Nihoni/Akicita ~ Synergy: 53% / Friendly, Romantic / Stalker: 10% - Chaser: 0% - Finisher: 0%
~ Shaui Akicita ~ Synergy: 97% / Romantic / Stalker: 0% - Chaser: 15% - Finisher: 1%
Trains Adols, Has 50% or more proficiency
~ Mato Akicita ~ Synergy: 99% / Friendly, Romantic / Stalker: 72% - Chaser: 70% - Finisher: 56%
~ Nizhoni Wanahca ~ Synergy: 99% / Romantic, Aggressive / Stalker: 75% - Chaser: 0% - Finisher: 75%
For Leveling & Lone Hunters
~ Ma'ii Akicita ~ Synergy: 100% / Aggressive, Stoic / Stalker: 100% - Chaser: 100% - Finisher: 100%
~ Nizhoni Ina ~ Lone Hunter / Aggressive
~ Nizhoni Mahli ~ Synergy: 0% / Aggressive, Stoic / Stalker: 0% - Chaser: 0% - Finisher: 1%
~ Nizhoni Woihanble ~ Lone Hunter / Friendly
~ Sachem Akicita ~ Lone Hunter / Romantic
New Hunters
Alosaka - Friendly (7.5mo)
Anjeanette - Aggressive (9.5mo)
Atira - Romantic (8.5mo)
Tarhe - Romantic (4mo)
Miakoda - Romantic (3.5mo)