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Atlas Cedar Cave ~ Alphas

~Alpha Oath~
I, Sequoia, founder of the Alphas make this code for future generations to follow. These are to ensure the safety of the pack. I do not wish for Howling Storm to meet it's downfall.

~ As an alpha, Do not to use your rank to dominate your fellow packmates.
~ Alphas must use our strength and knowledge to protect the pack at all costs.
~ We alphas sacrifice personal desires if it's for the well being of the pack.

Alpha ranks are essential to pack survival and must never be vacant. When the previous alpha reaches 6 years of age they much pick a subordinate to train to take their place as alpha. Alpha's must retire at age 7 years as to ensure the pack is always protected.

Howl of Moonlight: Sequoia // Heir: Nightwood
This is the rank of pack leader and is in charge of making pack law and customs, as well as ensuring pack safety and growth.

Talons of Crows: Eradoxin / Heir: Petalpup
Talons of Crows is the pack's scouts and protectors. Two Talons must always be named to insure the pack's safety. One patrols the borders and nearby areas while the other watches over the camp to ensure safety of the pack.

River of Moons: Cindermint
River of Moons is the pack's healer. They are responsible of tending to the sick and injured.

~Howl of Moonlight~
Explore throughout the day - Current biome exploring: Coniferous Forest - 6010/10000 steps

~River of Moons~
Spend most of the day foraging
Make 5 medicines starting at 21:00 WDT

~Talons of Crows~
Scouts take turns, one out scouting and one watching over the camp to protect the pack.
Eradoxin / Proficiency: 58% / Biome: Glacier / Goal: reach level 20

Herb Chart

Fully Scouted
Grasslands / Easy / Speed
Mountains / Easy / Speed

Home Biome
Coniferous Forest / Medium / Smarts

Deciduous Forest / Easy / Speed
Taiga / Difficult / Agility

~ Undiscovered Biomes ~
Riparian Woodland / Medium / Wisdom
Prairie / Medium / Speed
Desert / Difficult / Strength
Tundra / Challenging / Smarts
Swamp / Challenging / Agility
Glacier / Challenging / Wisdom - 101 WIS required to scout
Rainforest / Challenging / Strength - 101 STR required to scout

Eradoxin | G2 Pyrope | Horizon eyes | 10 Mark | 600+ stats | 200 or 1

Atlas Cedar Cave ~ Alphas
Name Stats Info Currents
358 stats L1 Female 1 year 0 months (Adult) 1y 0m In Heat (4 rollovers)Secured
Talon of Crow
680 stats L15 Male 3 years 1½ month (Adult) 3y 1½m ScoutSecured
River of Moons
720 stats L15 Female 4 years 5 months (Adult) 4y 5m HerbalistSecured