Grandmother's Grove | Hunters
____________________ The Elders tell ____________________
The Hunters Den was named in honor of an older wolf that joined the young pack decades ago to train them in their first hunting roles. She taught them how to keep their growing pack fed even in the depths of cruel winters.
Adopted into the Ravensong Tor pack as Cocoa, she was soon considered the Grandmother to the young pack.
Cocoa would take out two new hunters for their first few hunts to show them the right way to finish successfully. When another young wolf grew into adulthood she'd go with all three for a last few hunts to assess which of them suited the roles best.
As they matured into the hunt they became a successful trio. Once they were proficient they welcomed another two wolves with chaser experience to the hunting party, & allowed them to sort out their roles for themselves. Their party of 5 then can bring back larger game to feed their pack.
Before her death Cocoa retired from the hunt to join Chemayne & Luna at the Singing Rocks where the youngest pups are taught to use their voices. She especially enjoyed listening to them sing when the older pack members howled at the moon.
There are mature wolves whose great-great-grand wolves she trained, now training the younger ones.