🪻The Wildflowers🪻

The wildflowers:
The wildflowers have been a pack for as long as anyone can remember, they are a rather strange, yet beloved group of wolves by all. They all hold free spirits, kind hearts, and creative natures and are very sociable wolves in general. The wildflowers are currently led by their lead female Evergreen, raised by her parents and the leaders before her instilling their beliefs and morals upon her and the pups who are the future of the pack. Evergreen was raised to be the kind, caring, generous, and sociable wolf that she is today, through these morals and beliefs. Due to how she was raised, she is one of the most beloved wolves within her pack. She is valued and respected by nearly everyone she comes across.
Evergreen herself is the first to welcome all newcomers into the fields of the wildflowers. She welcomes them not only with a warm smile, but a welcoming hug. She is a proud leader, and the moments she feels the most pride are when she makes a new friend or welcomes a new family member into her never-ending family.
Because of this, Evergreen is not only the most well-known among her own pack, but also outside of her pack as she is the first wolf to teach others in the kind and understanding ways of her heritage.
This has always been in Evergreen's nature, in fact she has even offered to lend paws as well as her fellow packmates to all who have lived and dwelled within the lands of her pack and those surrounding it. Be it by offering food, pup-sitting, or healing. Due to this, no matter how tense the other lands may get or how much the territories may bicker, the wildflowers have never had so much as an enemy, giving them more security than anyone has ever had.
This is especially the case if Evergreen is to ever see a pup in trouble, her heart reaches out to them and she has always had a soft, maternal instinct for young, making it strongly against her morals to allow a pup to suffer in any way. Because of this, she has been known to help abandoned or strange pups from all around the lands. When and if all packs are to meet, they would always be there to help keep the peace and help keep tensions and disagreements to a minimum.
It is said by the wisest and eldest members of this pack, that the ancestors that once lived, be they leader's or normal wolves, when they passed become immortal. Some souls think this to be magic or fantasy, but in reality, it is simply because they are immortal in memory and they live on in the hearts of those that came after them. They are celebrated and honored with a festival once a year, known as the dance of colors. It is a day when all the wolves gather around, painting themselves of various colors and simply dancing, singing and enjoying life while celebrating those who have passed into the new world to be reborn again.
⭐️ T3
💫 T*