
An odd-looking wolf sits outside this vine-covered den, with bat-like ears and antlers sprouting from his head. He seems unaware of how different he looks from you. Reaching a hind paw to scratch lazily at his thin, floppy ears, the wolf woofs to you.
"Can I help you, wanderer?" The question is warm, not wary. "You don't look like you're head to steal, so I imagine you're here to barter. My name is Louise. I'll accompany you inside, show you around." He chuckles, glancing towards the jay perched nearby as they share an amused look. "Mind your step- don't want to come out with a nipped ear, now."
With a grunt, the antlered wolf stands and shakes out his thick coat, leading you into the nursery. The mothers of the pack watch you as the pair of you pass them by. Some of them have a fire blazing in their gaze, warning you to stay far away from their puppies. Some even bare their teeth. Louise leads you off down a tunnel, dug expertly by some wolf ages ago. A group of older pups, already weaned from their mothers who have gone back to their duties, plays in the next space you enter within the caves.
"Mothers can be clingy, so some are staying here for good. But the ones that have a red X painted on their shoulders may be adopted out to other packs." He gestures to a dug-out hole nearby, adorned with jewels and gemstones, bones and shells. "Sometimes we might send out some gifts with the pups, a parting tradition that some mothers keep to." He padded back towards the exit. "Let me know when you've decided, and who, so I may prepare them for the journey to your pack."
- Puppies marked with a red X in their footnote are claimable for free.
- PM kingbee #33719 to claim a puppy. You may claim as many as you'd like.
- If later you find yourself not wanting the pup any longer, please return them to kingbee #33719. No hard feelings.