^~Madness Hollows~v
These Madness Hunters will follow the Madness Genes! having Black Peacock, Freckles, & Crawl and White Inverted Panda! They will keep within the Madness Genes even if they become devastated with these genes!
Current Genetic Potential Gage: 125-167
Highest Value: 167
-Point Range-
-(GP) = Genetic Potential
-Base: TI = +2 | TII = +5 | TIII = +15| T* = +25
(-10 for non Dark Monochrome/Special* Bases)
(Unpleasant Skin/Nose/Claws = -3 Each)
-Eyes: Raffle = +7 | Het/NBW Only = +5 | Generic = -5 | Event = +2
-Marking Quantity: +3 per Marking
-Marking Quality:
—Visually pleasing Combo = +9 (T6)
—Any Raffle/Rma = +7 Each (T2/7)
—Any NBW Exclusive = 5 | Each (T8)
—Pleasing Event Applications = +4 each (T3)
(Any Unpleasant Colorations = -5 Each
—Lack of Crawl, Freckles, Peacock, & Inverted White Panda = -5 Each
—Each 100% Opacity = +6