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Sachem Den

All wolves in this den are ranked Sachem
They all have a leadership role in the pack to provide structure to the pack and it's traditions
Sachem is Native American Algonquian for "Paramount Chief"
Manitou is Native American Algonquian for "Wild Spirit"
Muski'ki is Native American Ojibwe for "Medicine"
Ina is Native American Lakota for "Mother"

Sachem Titles & Purpose:
~ Universal Gender Roles ~
Alpha - Leader of the Pack, Leads the pack and creates traditions and rules for the pack to follow.
Beta - Mate to the Alpha, Often fills a Scout Role to safeguard the territory while Alpha is busy.
Sachem Manitou - Chief Wild Spirit, Secondary Scout of the pack.
~ Male Only ~
Sachem Akicita - Chief Warrior, Often Lone Hunter but can sometimes be Breeding Male. He is typically the male with the highest stats
Muski'ki Akicita - Medicine Warrior, Herbalist of the pack and in charge of keeping pack healthy. Only if Muski'ki Ina isn't appointed.
Mokahum Akicita - New Warrior, Alpha/Beta Male Heir
~ Female Only ~
Nizhoni Ina - Beautiful Mother, In charge of the pack breeding traditions. She is typically the female with the highest stats
Muski'ki Ina - Medicine Mother, Herbalist of the pack and in charge of keeping pack healthy. Only if Muski'ki Akicita isn't appointed.
Mokahum Ina - New Mother, Alpha/Beta Female Heir

All are related to my first Lead Wolf


Wolves within the pack often socialize with others in their group
= Socialized Today / = Not Yet / = Ongoing / Crossed Out = Not Adult
Total Socialize time: 5hr 30mins per day to complete all friend groups
Aggressive & Stoic = 2hr 30mins
~ Valley, Mitena, Roseheart, Kolenya, Lesharo ~
~ Naalnish, Isi, Sanuye, Chogan, Pajackok ~
~ Achak, Otskai, Rowtag, Sacajewea, Topanga ~
~ Kachina, Hakidonmuya, Soyala, Goldenrose, Kaiyah ~
~ Halyn, Laniyah, Ouray ~

Friendly & Romantic = 3hrs
~ Nayavu, Goldensand, Kewanee, Kono ~
~ Bemidji, Kotori, Kitkun, Nakoma, Cheveyo ~
~ Chepi, Humita, Hateya, Ethete, Liluye ~
~ Yoki, Byhalia, Sikya, Zihna, Brooklynne ~
~ Ezhno, Jacksen, Huon, Ogaki, Kaliska ~
~ Pecos, Migina, Diondre ~
~ Istaqa ~

Sachem Den
Name Stats Info Currents
Muski'ki Akicita
612 stats L12 Male 4 years 2½ months (Adult) 4y 2½m HerbalistSecured
Beta Female
568 stats L11 Female 2 years 8½ months (Adult) 2y 8½m ScoutSecured