Topic |
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Replies |
ADVICE NEEDED! Would you stud to this lad?
| gaylie | Rabies replied 2020-12-02 07:20:40 | 1 |
Phantom | 10M | Lavender ✿| Cool Light II | Low Fert Friendly! 💕
| 🌈Albi (she/her) | 🌈Albi (she/her) posted 2020-12-01 22:35:18 | 0 |
New RARE Stud, Isabel (0.1%) MuL T2 10m - RMA and SHADED! 15/15
| AilurusMursus | AilurusMursus bumped 2020-12-01 20:10:22 | 2 |
🌻Adamska | Sulphur (0.18%), Warm Medium II | 9M | 389 Stat | 90SC/1GC🌻
| Anubis | Anubis bumped 2020-12-01 19:11:43 | 19 |
Handsome Stud Up! ¥•Ren•¥ Dark Brown {2.66%}
| Natalie549 | Natalie549 posted 2020-12-01 16:52:28 | 0 |
🦴 80SC sandy (0.12%, muted medium tier II) prettyboy stud, 425 stats
| Queijac | Queijac bumped 2020-12-01 15:24:22 | 0 |
🌴 927+ Stats | TII Onyx Base | 10M | 7 Rare Marks | 15GC/1200SC 🌴
| TKG | TKG bumped 2020-12-01 10:17:36 | 2 |
Nocturne || 9 marks || Merle + Inuit || 2GC - 200SC
| PIERCE | PIERCE bumped 2020-12-01 09:43:06 | 3 |
Russet (0.38% | Warm Dark II Base | Ice Eyes | 10 M | Fully Customised | 262 Stats | 100SC or 1 GC
| Kaaseon | Kaaseon bumped 2020-12-01 09:05:48 | 0 |
Torak || 10 Marks, Cream Darker, Minimum Price (200 SC), Naturalistic
| Laarikin | Laarikin bumped 2020-12-01 08:51:41 | 0 |
Fen: Dust (1.42%) | Autumn colors | VLF Friendly | 7 100% Markings | 300+ stats | 50% SC return!
| cairnfang | Rhys bumped 2020-12-01 02:31:36 | 1 |
| Percy | Constell bumped 2020-12-01 01:44:09 | 0 |
☘ Faolán ☘ | Marengo | Monochrome | 10m | 476 stats | 100 SC or 1 GC
| Tahoma | Tahoma bumped 2020-11-30 22:53:04 | 0 |
Winter - G1 -Tier 2 Siqoq -10M - 3 RMA/NBW Exc. Black markings.
| Silver | Silver bumped 2020-11-30 22:01:54 | 0 |
RED POINTS * Sunset's Flame * Tawny 9M * VLF ok!
| finnfinite | finnfinite bumped 2020-11-30 21:07:04 | 3 |
Skarn G-Shep Stud | 130 SC (120 SC REFUNDED)
| Affy | Affy bumped 2020-11-30 20:10:07 | 1 |
Ashen based Stud, 10 marks! 343 stats! VLF! 200 SC or 1 GB!
| Aprycas | Aprycas bumped 2020-11-30 19:28:17 | 1 |
Merle + Inuit stud | Glaucous base | 7M
| Thunder | Thunder posted 2020-11-30 16:59:09 | 0 |
Studs for sale :D
| Wolverina | Wolverina posted 2020-11-30 13:48:03 | 0 |
cheap teir ii rare base stud! | Siqoq (0.42%) | Monochrome Light II
| Tartaglia | toya posted 2020-11-30 12:29:25 | 0 |
Shuffled Boy! | Muted Medium II | 486 Stats | 10m | 1GC/100SC (refund!)
| Aphelios | Aphelios bumped 2020-11-30 12:27:14 | 0 |
Horus | Blonde 0.12% (breed only) | Tier 2 | 300+ stats | 6 markings
| Lazybird | Lazybird bumped 2020-11-30 12:18:17 | 1 |
Onyx Base • Ice Eyes • Gen 1 • Monochrome 10 Marks • 500 Stat • Friendly • 1 GC or 100SC Refunded
| UnheardSiren | UnheardSiren bumped 2020-11-30 12:16:40 | 4 |
🖤🤍 Danoir | Nocturne (0.22) | Cool dark 2 | 270 stats | white eyes | 1gc or 150 sc!! 🤍🖤
| WitchyWerewoof | WitchyWerewoof bumped 2020-11-30 12:06:14 | 3 |
✟Cristos✟ Onyx | tier 2 |10 Mark | 284 stats | Black, Honey, White markings
| hound | hound bumped 2020-11-30 10:36:26 | 0 |