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[stud has been chosen! until next time] Who should be my next stud?

[stud has been chosen! until next time] Who should be my next stud?
Posted 2023-04-19 04:50:34 (edited)
I chose!

1) Berry / G3 / moonlight, dust / 5M / 399

Will use this thread again when choosing my next stud in the future


Posted 2023-04-24 12:36:22
Carla caught my eye the most!

Posted 2023-04-24 15:30:00
Hi! Do you happen to mean Varka (badge base)? Otherwise, thank you for the reply, if it is Varka who you meant, I'll keep your input in mind


Posted 2023-04-24 15:54:57
yes, my auto correct screwed that up!  Varka, has caught my eye a lot, my apologies!

Posted 2023-04-24 15:57:10
Honestly I think your G4 Iridium might be the best choice, as he has good markings, is T3 and somewhat low gen still (Panda, Opossum, Ghast). Of course it depends always what people are looking for, just writing from my own experience.


Posted 2023-04-24 16:01:19
Ooh! Def the storm badger!


Posted 2023-04-24 16:25:10
the badger pelt one (i forget his name) Hes so pretty!
Luna Moon123

Posted 2023-04-24 16:46:16
Thank you to everyone who has replied! I appreciate reading all your inputs. I'm happy to hear Varka is liked

I would also like to add that I'm willing to change his Nose as I find black too plain, and to add more markings as I feel he lacks on that. As of right now, I have Apollo, Dius, Mud, Chill, and Cynthius nose applicators (I'm also willing to buy a diff color from the Lunar Shoppe if someone suggests one and I like it). As for marking apps, I have only Amor and some RMAs, but again I could buy one or two more from the Shoppe.

I'm not asking anyone to design my wolves but I would also like to hear what colors/markings most people like and would stud request to.


Posted 2023-04-24 16:51:30 (edited)
I suggest not the RMA bc those can end very badly sometimes! I mean You can do it since he is your wolf obviously but I personally wouldn't on my potential stud bc like I said sometimes it can give you the ugliest marking out there lol!

So the best nose app that you have that I would breed my Wolfers to is the Appolo nose app

and the Amor app - the inverted cross

Now if you got a different ones from the Lunar shop I would say

Lusxnei or Moonbow - Really the only 2 I personally like and would breed my wolves to

Now markings wise would have to be Cynthia, Moonlight, Artemis, or Losna


Posted 2023-04-25 22:04:52
Oh, thank you very much for your advice! I'll consider what you've shared with me. Since Varka seems to be the popular choice (from the replies here and also I'm inclined towards him myself LOL), he'll most likely be my next stud. I also like the colors of marking apps you mentioned so I'll have to fiddle with them in wardrobe to see which combinations look nice together.


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