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Things that go bump in the dark | Hollow x Enjolras

Posted 2023-05-17 14:04:53
The vampire grinned, eager to go and put fear in the hearts of the mortals. "Oh I am counting on it. I want them to fear me. I want them to know I will hunt them, where ever they go, and run, I will find them. We will find them. I am stronger now, they were hunting me for days, so I could not feed, as I require to maintain my strength." He said, got to his feet. "I will go undercover, you will... follow, the way you see fit. As a shadow or otherwise. If they see us coming down the road on foot, they may escape. I cannot let them. Will not." He gave a growl, let his hood fall back from his face, revealing his apperance properly for the first time.
"You see, I want a hunt. A bloody one at that, now that there is blood in my veins, and my heart is beating properly, my strength is what it should be. My body is extremely weak without proper nutrition. Weaker than those..." He paused, gave the corpse closest to him a hard kick, making it roll away a bit. "Weak mortals. Excellent food source however."


Posted 2023-06-02 13:25:05
He watched quietly as the male spoke, he seemed to enjoy doing that or something like that. The plan was simple, hardly requiring an explanation. A rumbling laugh left him, shifting back slightly. "You'll just have to try harder, won't you, my friend? Hunger only makes the hunter stronger. Surely you can catch a few hairless apes." A taunting smirk spread his maw as he turned to his side with a swipe of his large hand. "Hurry now, I would like more action than that little scuffle. There's hardly any fun in an easy kill, I'm sure you'd feel the same."

He was fairly confident there was a human community in the direction he faced, whenever humans gathered in masses the chaotic energy of emotions grew violent. The creature would have to wait for the other if there was any intention to not seem suspicious when they came into view. The massive void sauntered over the still warm body in his way before his shape faded into wisps of shadow and smoke. A strange series of sounds emanated from the ground, spoken in a way that resembled an unknown language.

Hollow Howls

Posted 2023-07-05 14:56:05
(Sorry for forgetting to reply Read it, went to do something and promptly forgot to. Anyway, I'll get a reply up in a day or so)


Posted 2023-07-05 15:24:43
(All cool! Thanks for the update)

Hollow Howls

Posted 2023-07-09 16:21:40
"I intend to." He smirked, looking slightly menacing, but the creature would likely not find it that way. "I mean, what could those little weak mortals put up against us, together?" Granted, they had almost gotten the better of him earlier, but it was hunger, and while hunger had made him more dangerous, in terms of that his limited self control got even worse, it also weakened him, significantly so.
"While, yes, it does, at least the instinct to hunt, and slaughter, it unfortunately makes me weak, the longer I go without. For now, I will get my full strength back, and then some. If I eat enough, and shift less, I'll be good for a forthnight, at least." He said, pulling his hood back up, looking up at the sky.
"What did you do?" Was his, curious, question, wanting to find out more about his newfound companion.


Posted 2023-07-13 18:25:37
Viverce noted his words silently, the vampire's powers were much like any other being's; high maintenance and easily a problem. A low chuckle filled the air at the question. "I simply released that form. Unlike you and other mortals, I'm not bound to a physical form. My shadows are not required to fill a shape and as such I can become whatever I want. From a shadow on the ground to a demon." Red eyes flashed from a darker circle sprawled across the ground.

"Perhaps if you last longer than my previous friend, you may actually grow familiar with my capabilities." There was a hint of amusement that followed his sentence, almost as if challenging the male. A brief pause from the creature before he added once more. "Besides, I can travel faster if I don't have to worry about the terrain." The shadow twitched briefly as to hint in the direction he intended to send them towards, a clawed hand growing up from the pool and gesturing to stat moving.

Hollow Howls

Posted 2023-07-19 14:47:46
"Now that sounds useful, my demon companion." He stated, calmly. "We are not so different, are we? Most mortals are bound to one physical form. I am not. Though, I do have limitations. I cannot go for too long without food, but if I feed more often, the need is much easier to push down. Now, the reason why I was weak, and cornered like that, is purely because my energy works like a candle. It burns bright for long, but once it flickers out, it is out. Easily recovered, however. A small sip does it, but I have always preferred draining them. More convienient, and they will no longer tell the truth about me." His grin grew wicked, moreso by the second.
"I do intend to last, I am, mostly, immortal. Mostly. And no, I am not telling you just how to change that." He continued, looking in the direction the creature indicated.
"How far? If you have to estimate, how far are we going? I am no good at numbers, nor reading for that matter." That was a weakness, and he knew it, but he had never seen the need to learn either. Or been taught, even as a mortal, and now he no longer cared enough to discover how.
"I do not need it for my... line of work."


Posted 2023-07-19 17:18:04
This one at least would no attempt to hold him back, that was evident even from this small exchange. A low chuckle filled the air at the unprompted quip. It wouldn't bother him anyway, he had no use in weakening the vampire, especially not before he found a way to rid himself of his curse. If Viverce had intended to kill him, it would have been easier to have let the now dead hunters have their way.

The shadow went silent, the light that once gleamed from the dark shape disappearing in an instant. Getting a general direction was much easier than getting a specific location. After a few lengthy moments, the familiar feeling of conflicting emotions began to swarm him; anger, sorrow, fear, excitement, exhaustion, joy. They weren't particularly faint, just far enough that he couldn't specific who was the creators of each feeling.

With a flash, the lights returned. "If you worry about the time, there's no need. It will still remain night long after your arrival." He started before continuing. "My best guess would be a few hundred paces, depending on your speed. It's not a large population, but sizeable enough to be worth the stop." His train of thought lingered on the mention of illiteracy. It wasn't too uncommon, at least the last time he was active, but he might have do something about that. Being a translator was not something the creature had any intent of doing.

Hollow Howls

Posted 2023-07-28 15:46:44
The vampire looked to the sky, noting that it remained dark with no signs of light in it. "I do intend to go there. See it. And by see it, I mean stop for lunch. Or ... dinner, or whatever the meal will be." He stated, looking at the shadow creature  He had decided that running would be preferable, without taking too much of his strength.

He began walking, before breaking into a run down the road, faster than the average mortal, but not at his fastest. That was reserved for when he felt threatened, and in his mind, the shadow posed no threat.

"I do not fear the sun, I can always shift forms, and my bird... counterpart, for lack of a better word, is sun proof. Should the sun come up, I can change forms, it is not an issue." Préachan stated, as he ran, expecting the other to keep up.

"Once this town is ... shall we say, vanquished What will you do? Or we, do?" He asked, keeping his hood up, barely noticeable against the dark.


Posted 2023-08-12 18:26:59
How times had changed, the last time he had run amuck vampires would never have been so relaxed when discussing the ending of night. This would mean he was no longer bound to traveling exclusively in the dead of night, allowing for more damage over less time. The man's shadow seemed darker than normal, granted the lack of a bright light made it more difficult to tell the difference. The shape slid across the terrain with ease, displaying no difficulties with keeping up with the human like creature.

"You didn't already have an idea?" He chuckled with faux amusement. "We're going to cause far more chaos than one measly attack on a random group of huts. I intend to send these monkeys much further back than they've come, undo all that progress they cling to so desperately."

"Surely you've got no issues with that, my friend." It was more of a statement than a question.

Hollow Howls

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