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Presale Pups and Puppy Lottery

Presale Pups and Puppy Lottery
Posted 2023-05-09 20:54:33 (edited)
Presales and Lottery Cave
For interest, please DM me with "Presale" or "Lottery" as the subject and tell me which wolf you are looking at.


Numbered puppies are up for pre-sale. I will hold them for 5 rollovers, 5 per rollover (gotta make some extra cash somehow, especially since I will be feeding and playing with them), and then give them to you for the agreed-upon price, plus the holding fee.
Warning: If a higher offer is made for a pup you were looking at, you may be asked to make a higher offer.

Current Presale Pups: 0

Puppy Lottery

A price will be set up based on the mother's genes. Once a 10 "nesting charge"* has been placed, you will choose your slot, and when the pups are born, you will be informed of your winnings. Your pup will be delivered to you when old enough along with a 25 holding fee (5 for 5 days).
Lotteries cannot be outbid, and you cannot trade puppies (until after they are in your possession).

Current Moms: 5

*The nesting charge is basically like a down payment/deposit to make sure that you don't back out. If you back out, your nesting charge will not

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