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Least Favourite Wolvden Bases

Least Favourite Wolvden Bases
Posted 2023-05-28 18:34:58
Hi! I was curious about other player's base opinions, and I decided to go with least favourite because there are just to many awesome bases out there.

This is how it goes; tell me you least favourite bases in these categories:
Tier I
Tier II
Tier III
Tier *

Starting off with me, my least favourite Tier I had to be Khaki, because personally I just don't get green bases. On to Tier II, I hate, hate, HATE Melchior. It just looks so awful to me. Tier III is Pearl, as it just is not what you would expect with a base called Pearl. It really is boring to me. Last but not least, I am not a fan of the Tier * base Kin, just because the scales are not my thing.

Ines 🎄 Semi-Active

Posted 2023-05-29 12:00:07
I have a lot of least favorites.

Tier I- Glaucous. Just looked up images on Google and they look fine, not this light blue with a hint of poop brown.
Tier II- Sulfur. Had one born recently and I priced it lower than usual to get rid of it faster.
Tier III- Tombac. Like Sulfur but more eye-hurty bright.
Tier *- Wisp. Like Tombac but even more eye-hurty.

🍂 Leonca 🐆

Posted 2023-05-29 12:21:14
TI - All "Gold" bases (Goldenrod, Gold Lighter, Gold Darker, Gold). They don't look gold, they look like different concentrations of pee.
TII - Feldspar. It's literally salmon.
TIII - Serpentine. It looks the most "cartoonish" to me, I guess? The shading, or lack thereof, bothers me. I've never seen an attractive Serpentine wolf on this site.
T* - Gotta agree with Slothie23, I'm not a fan of Kin either.

☆ 𝖋𝖔𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖆𝖓 ★

Posted 2023-05-31 15:59:13
For some reason my body burns with Khaki hatred.
I don't really dislike any other base regardless of tier.

Dany 🔥

Posted 2023-06-13 21:19:59
TI: Gold, Gold Lighter, Gold Darker. You can rescue Goldenrod and Honeydew, but these Gold shades... not so much.

TII: Melchior and Oroide. The weird stripey patterns just put me off.

TIII: Tombac and Realgar are very, very difficult to rescue because they're very unnatural colors.

T*: I really dislike the metallic glittery effect and saturated blue color of Caelum. I also used to hate Tombac and Wisp before I saw this wolf.


Posted 2023-06-14 11:26:51
Tier I: I have four I dislike. Glaucous, Honeydew, khaki, and red. The first three are just not appealing too me and red is too hard to make it work without over saturating the coat color.

Tier II: I dislike two bases. Siqoq and calcite. They just don't look good to me.

Tier III: I don't dislike them, but these are my least favorites. Teardrop, opal, and squid. Teardrop looks like overdone makeup too me.

Tier *: I dislike hydrangea. I dislike the color pattern. Hurts my eyes to look at. It can be used to make pretty wolves, but the saturation of the base has to be died down.


Posted 2023-06-19 11:11:38
T1: Howlite. Looks dirty
T2: Calcite
T3: Serpentine. Looks weird to me.
T*: Wisp. To much of an eyesore
Rain Takami

Posted 2023-06-19 13:21:50
T1: hate all gold guys, khaki, beige, all cream and glaucous, honeydew.
T3: Zircon and Pearl are just boring to me tbh. For some reason I don't really like Chromiums, Iridiums and Striped Flints. Tombac and piasa are just meh.
T*: Kin is looking disturbing to me.


Posted 2023-06-19 15:56:53
T1: all of the tier 1 bases aren't bad at all to me, and with all of them being able to make some good looking wolves if they have the right markings... all of them except the "gold" ones. they never work on any wolf and they're just an eyesore. i also have a love/hate relationship with honeydew and glaucous but at least they're not like.. completely insufferable.
T2: i don't like sulphur. too bright for me. i think my second least favorite is lilac but that's only because it feels a little too boring for tier two.

i dont rlly have any bases i hate in the other two tiers lol

aurorae 🌊 semi-active

Posted 2023-06-19 18:21:39
T1: Glaucous Glaucous Glaucous Glaucous Glaucous! I hate it so much. Unnatural and suppperrrr blue with the random brown? Just a total pass for me.
T2: Sulfur. Too brightly yellow. Ugh.
T3: Teardrop, Tombac, and most other bright "unnatural" colored bases. I do like Serpentine, weirdly enough?
T*: Literally anything aside from Anwnn and Moss. Too unnatural looking imo. Wisp and Kin are the most hatred-inducing ones for me, however.


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