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What's up with low gen market?

What's up with low gen market?
Posted 2023-06-22 19:37:10
Hi! I have been on this game for about 5 months, and the market shocks me. I don't understand what is so appealing about NBW, or low gen wolves. I get that high gens used to be hard to look through for inbreeding, but with the COI tracker, is it easy. Can someone please explain?

Ines 🎄 Semi-Active

Posted 2023-06-22 19:37:59
You're right that it's stupid. No logic behind it. Unfortunately that just kinda is how it is.

Rippleskip [Rare Rolling]

Posted 2023-06-22 20:30:49 (edited)
Short answer: Because it's popular.

Long answer: From what I understand, the whole fascination started on Lioden, Wolvden's sister site. A small niche of players wanted some challenge to their gameplay, and they did that by only using lions that were 'clean' - without any inbreeding. Not because there was any downside to inbreeding, but because that's simply how they wanted to play. It made things more interesting in the gameplay that, to them, was getting stale, so they wanted to spice things up.

Over time, more players started to get interested in it for different reasons: Only having single-page lineages, not having big name studs in those lineages, raising stats as high as possible in a short timeframe, only using NCLs/NBWs instead of buying from other players, plain not liking inbreeding, etc. There were lots of personal challenges or beliefs that found themselves parallel to the 'clean' guidelines, so in many ways, they blended together.

Eventually it got so popular that it began to affect the market, and that was when it was past the point of no return. Players who wanted to make the highest profits realized 'clean' breeders were willing to shill out lots of money for lions that fit what they were looking for, so it enticed them to follow those rules. It was a snake eating its own tail and many just went along with it because it was easier that way, whether they liked the challenge itself or not. If the market demands A more than B, you're going to want to sell A rather than B. Making you also look for A to sell it later, and yeah. We all want to make a profit, it's the way it goes.

I haven't been on LD in years, but from what I understand, the mentality is still going strong. And unfortunately, it inevitably made its way over here. NIB and low gen is WD's own variation of LD's 'clean' breeding and also started out as a challenge, but much like it did over there, it has a bit of a stranglehold over the site. Low gen obsession is mainly caused by wanting to keep wolves non-inbred, because it's easier to keep track of if there's only three generations to look at. To the hardcore players, COI doesn't really help them. It doesn't check things as closely as they'd like. They will still absolutely check through 10 generations and cross-check each and every name.

It began as an optional challenge that a little group of players enjoyed, and spiraled into becoming the law of the land, thanks to popularity and profit. I do wonder how many players play by the challenge because they genuinely want to, and not because it's what everyone else is doing. I try not to myself, but it can be a challenge in of itself to ignore NIB/low gen rules. Kinda ironic, in a way.

I hope that sheds some light on the whole thing, it's got some history behind it.

Whirligig (Hiatus)

Posted 2023-06-27 20:28:08
Whirligig's got it right. When WD started, those of us in the paid Early Access really really hoped clean/NIB breeding wouldn't exist here. But since many people play both games, or at least used to, the mindset came here as well pretty much immediately. I am glad that its at least not referred to as clean/dirty here.


Posted 2023-06-27 22:44:39
Personally I am not a fan of direct inbreeding such as parents and pups or siblings, but I see no issues with g 20 NIB wolves. Or wolves distantly related being bred to each other.

Ines 🎄 Semi-Active

Posted 2023-07-01 08:50:49 (edited)
on a personal level, i have always enjoyed NBWs because of the lore potential of a wolf with no history. after G1 though i don't really care how many gens it is. i keep my studs and my special supernatural lore wolves NBWs, but everything else doesn't really matter.

i also don't really care about inbreeding, personally, but i am well aware that being inbred will make a pup less interesting to buyers, and it doesn't seem to currently affect mutation rates, so there's no real reason to do it outside of lore or a lack of care.

i don't really care what other people do with their wolves either way. not my business. i'll try to breed low gen females to low gen studs for maximum pup profits, but my main priority is looks, not gen.

it's a balance of doing what i want plus complying with the culture whirligig mentioned, if only to profit from pups i'm not keeping. ultimately you should do what you want, too--whether that includes complying with the culture or not.


Posted 2023-07-01 09:58:00
Agreed, I only stick to NIB pups for lore reasons. I have a couple G1 supernatural wolves, in my Starlit Skies den, and my stud is G4 because I want to make a profit. Other that that I don't care about gen in my pack, only stats and looks. But it's rather unfortunate, as I can't keep every T3 pup, and it makes it hard to make a profit from pups I sell.

Ines 🎄 Semi-Active

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