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Children of the Apocalyptic Horsemen (Open)

Posted 2023-07-14 19:09:38
Everyone's posts are amazing!! It was a lot of fun to read through everyone's intros.~

And I swear I've been reading everything on this thread too, I've just been really bust this week and just haven't had the oomph to reply to anything. XD Today was my off, thus errand, day so I'll reply tomorrow at work. If anyone would like to reply tonight feel free!


Posted 2023-07-14 22:45:46

That actually makes a ton of sense- I mainly made him without much thought and just how I was feeling that day,Β  and that's actually pretty clever! Zyepsyr was originally going to be a child (Since i mainly play younger characters, due to them being so much simpler to rp as) and his childish act and looks make a ton of sense to me now- XD. I dont really fully develop characters beforehand, and to me it's like i'm getting to know them via others input and what they think of him.

"And come to think of it makes so much sense too for Pestilence to have this playful/childlike vibe, considering how children are more vulnerable to diseases than any other age demographic."
Considering that, His whole character makes a ton of sense to me now XD

(apologies if this made no sense, I'm really tired XD)


Posted 2023-07-15 10:10:30
I plan on throwing another reply in today sometime! Should we all have them meet up at some point? Like, how should they gradually move to bumping into each other? I feel at a bit of a standstill on moving forward lol.


Posted 2023-07-15 10:18:38
I thought about this dilemma some the other day, and a scene from Good Omens came to mind. They all met at a diner, and who do we know here who works at a diner? Erva! This would allow them to run into Erva so Spooks can interact with us as well if they'd like.~ I was thinking the town where Erva works was a preplanned meeting place decided upon by the old horsemen, since they knew their children would be safer together than apart.

Does this sound okay to everyone?


Posted 2023-07-15 10:32:44
Oooh, yes, this sounds excellent!


Posted 2023-07-15 10:55:18
ooh alright!! I was also a bit confused XD


Posted 2023-07-15 10:57:36 (edited)
Awesome! I'll try to get my scatterbrained self in gear and get a reply typed out.

@CowboyLavaLamp I really loved the formatting you used for Reese on the roleplay thread. Having the picture and name was a nice touch and made it easy to know who we were reading about. Would you mind if I stole the idea and used it too?


Posted 2023-07-15 11:36:34
Ohhh, that sounds like a great idea! I've been busy, so I haven't had a chance to reply or say anything till now! ^^ I love everyone's introductions, and the detail is crazy incredible! I didn't name the city Erva lives in, since I figured it'd be easier to simply incorporate her and the diner she works at into whichever city the Horseman live in/closest to! I'm gonna try and have a response up by this evening as well!!

Posted 2023-07-17 08:14:37
I second Alcarie! I loved Reese's formatting but I was too shy to ask if I can use it. It looks so neat on the page, and the pic of the character makes it even easier to imagine them.

Reminder that John/Death lives in NYC, in case anyone feels like setting up around there.

β˜† π–‹π–”π–’π–”π–—π–Žπ–†π–“ β˜…

Posted 2023-07-17 08:35:41 (edited)
Dude, it's free formatting here on Wolvden so feel free to use it! I was working on my reply two days ago then had some irl stuff come up. I'm hoping I can get a reply in here today or tomorrow.

ALSO. If you want the fancy rounded photo just let me know. I can fix Johnny boy up with the fancy photo.


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