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Socialization: Questions

Socialization: Questions
Posted 2023-07-08 21:00:10
I have a couple questions about the most recent Development Update #23.

First question is about the Personality Traits stat adjustment. Is this adjustment just a one time thing done initially to the wolf's stats(and of course if you change personalities)? Or is the adjustment every time you level up that it would boost some stats and decrease another?

Second question. What does the number mean at the top of the page when you're done socializing? This number changes depending on which wolves are sent to socialize or how many I've sent.

The group returns, hardly pausing to notice you between their conversations. That's okay—they seem happy! (20)


Posted 2023-07-08 21:06:25 (edited)
Yello! I'm pretty sure the (20) means the total mood gain. You had 4 wolves, each getting the (what i assume is) the max amount of mood gain which is 5. Each wolf had 5, in total, being 20.

Posted 2023-07-08 21:09:30
Well I thought that initially, but I actually had 5 wolves total socializing. So that would be 25. Sorrry, I wasn't able to screenshot the last wolf. And one of the times I sent wolves, the number was 15. So it didn't add up either. I even checked at the bottom where it says 'more details' and nothing there added to the number at the top either.


Posted 2023-07-08 21:10:40
hm. Maybe it's because the results varied? Like, maybe the last wolf wasn't so happy? It's been adding up for me.

Posted 2023-07-08 21:13:14
They were all at +5 mood. I will try to get a better screenshot when this next group comes back.


Posted 2023-07-08 21:14:18
hmmmm. You might wanna submit this to moderators then

Posted 2023-07-08 21:17:43
I just realized it does show up on user log:

Finished socializing wolves:
Techno gained +104 exp +5 mood ,
Thunder gained +96 exp +5 mood ,
Hanna gained +99 exp +5 mood +1 chasing proficiency ,
Annah gained +99 exp +5 mood +1 chasing proficiency ,
G3 PIE male!! gained +99 exp +5 mood +1 pupsitting proficiency

Thanks! I will see if this next group comes back weird as well. Then I'll know it very well possibly be a bug.


Posted 2023-07-08 21:18:52
okay! im probably gonna log off for tonight, but tomorrow ill come back and check. Intrested to know if it's a bug!

Posted 2023-07-08 21:53:20
Here's the next set with (13) at the top.


Posted 2023-07-08 23:25:52
Now I have (2) as the number at the top, lol.


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