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Nobaby in my den? Help? (serious)

Nobaby in my den? Help? (serious)
Posted 2023-07-11 16:10:47 (edited)
My boyfriend found this pup listed as a fodder. I bought her and I'm just so confused. How did this happen? Is it a bug? What is going on?

Video I took in case it's fixed (??)
Link to this wolf


Posted 2023-07-11 17:04:44
Thats nobaby! part of wolvden lore, seems she's back, she used to be an explore encounter, and she's pretty damn rare. I dont know how you found her on tc though. I dont think you're supposed to be able to obtain nobaby anymore.

Posted 2023-07-11 17:09:56
Yeah man I have no idea how she showed up. She was bred by the person I got her from, I wonder what went wrong to get her to appear??


Posted 2023-07-11 17:17:03
Should I immortalize her? I don't have the GC for it but I could probably buy some... but I don't want to immortalize her if she gets fixed


Posted 2023-07-12 12:49:41
Dont immortalize her unless the mods decide not to fix her

Posted 2023-07-12 13:41:15
Yeah, she was fixed a couple hours ago lol


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