Thorned Black Rose Pack's Graveyard
Thorned Black Rose Pack's Graveyard
Posted 2023-07-15 00:59:59 (edited)
there is a spirit of a young pup seemingly patrolling the area, the guardian of this graveyard. He notices you and walks over to you with grace, he looks more wise than you thought any pup ever could. "Welcome to the graveyard, I'm Mizu, a guardian spirit, I'm glad that you came." ![]() the graveyard is a place to pay respects to former pack members, here you can read about a fallen wolf, talk to Mizu or even leave a small offering for the dead. Mizu was the first wolf to have a memorial here, so he now guards this area for all eternity, welcoming dead wolves into the afterlife. commenting is allowed, in fact roleplay is encouraged, but please try not to go off-topic Mizu, of the Andreas and Emerald clans ![]() Mizu died July 15, 2023 at the young age of 1 month after being eaten by an alligator while getting a drink from the river. Many members of the Thorned Black Rose Pack were saddened by his death, he was just too young. His packmates always described him as an old soul and very wise for his age, they looked forward to him becoming a wonderful scout, but alas, fate had a different plan for him. His brother Riptide struggled with his death the most, fearing the water because of his brother's untimely demise, but Mizu attempts to help him heal by appearing in his dreams. Oksana, of the Gaia clan ![]() Oksana died July 19, 2023, at the young age of 1 month after eating toxic berries. Oksana was loved dearly by her mother, Gaia and Orion, she was going to be adopted out to a new family but the gods had a different fate in mind, she now spends her days playing with Mizu, the two being the best of friends. |
Andreas, King of Piebalds #124584 |