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Okami's Art Commissions

Okami's Art Commissions
Posted 2023-08-01 03:45:16 (edited)

OPEN ONCE MORE! Currently USD or partial USD only

If you are interested in my CD commissions here's a link~ link

Hello! I am Okami. I am a freelance illustrator, sculptor and writer and I would love to trade my services for currency or items that I am searching for~

I can draw just about anything. Wolves, other animals (including pets!), dragons, humans, aliens, skeletons, mechs, monsters and more. Honestly I love the challenge of new things to draw! However, I cannot guarantee wait times as I do have professional commissions to work on as well as a full time job.  If you are at the top of the queue (at the bottom of this post) and have not heard back from me within two weeks, please feel free to reach out. PLEASE do not continuously ask for updates or I will refund your commission.

As such, I realize my work is a bit pricey, but this is the equivalent to what I charge professionally. If you would like to set up a payment plan I am more than willing to work with you. :)

PLEASE NOTE: I do have proper commissions open with more options such as full background illustrations, short comics, reference sheets, sculptures and more! I ONLY offer my sketch commissions for in game currency and trades. Feel free to DM me for more info.

Okay boring stuff is done.


USD is prefered over ALL else!

Current Project Wishlist:
•Common Marking Applicators
•Cougar skull and tail trophies
•Gray fox trophies
•Red fox trophies
•Custom Decor Creator
•Sentinel pose
•Relaxed pose
•Backgrounds (minus easily craft-able ones)
•Trophies for Caribou and Badger bases

•Applicators: I will consider most applicators, however not all. Please ask me first. :)
My wishlist:
    -Ghast Markings
    -Losna Base*
    -Artemis Base
    -Airglow Base
    -Caribou, Fox, Badger
    -Puma Eye
    -Frost Eye
    -Blue Moon Eye
    -Crotalus Eye
    -Honestly most eye applicators, nose and skin (Not rose and rouge though, sorry!)

Currently unavailable!
Healing Salves: Limit of 2 pictures per person for now!
    -150 salves = monochrome headshot
    -No other options at this time

Please keep in mind!
400 = 1
4 = 1 USD

I will add a second YCH if payment includes a  Custom decor creator :)

Dancing wolf YCH
40 or 16000  or 10
This will include shading, effects,  plus decor (or clothes, if you are asking for a non-wolvden wolf)

YCH Wolf Bust 1
20 or 8000  or 5
This will include shading, effects,  plus decor (or clothes, if you are asking for a non-wolvden wolf)

Free banner format included on request!

YCH Bust 2
20 or 8000  or 5
This will include shading, effects,  plus decor (or clothes, if you are asking for a non-wolvden wolf)

YCH Badge
5 or 2000 OR a combination of grove items (RMAs, Pose Variants, Marking applicator, Sex Changer, Guarana, nose, eye, claw). 1 Custom Decor Creator will automatically count as 2 YCH Badges.

Monochrome Headshots!
75 or 18.75

Monochrome Fullbodies!
150 or 37.50  (+50% per extra character)

Colored Headshots!
80 or 20

Bonus: rendered sketch! 120 or 30

Also note: These are SKETCH commissions. While I do try to clean them up quality may vary. Depending on what method I use. If you have a style request let me know first~
If you would like full rendered pieces with clean lines OR painted style then I will happily give you a quote for USD.

If you are interested in a full illustrated scene, charater sheets, designs, book covers, short comics or more involved projects please send me a message. These MUST be at least partial USD and will be calculated after we talk.

-This is is first come first serve! Those who pay first enter the queue first.
-ALL OF MY WORK will have my signature. Please do not remove it.
-I have a right to refuse service.
-I prefer payment upfront or after the initial sketch. An art piece will not be fully finished until the payment is satisfied.
-On that note, I do take payment plans!
-In the event a refund is needed, I do provide them. 100% refund if the drawing is not started, 60% after the sketch phase
-Only the person who commissions or owns the character may use the art!
- I do NOT draw real people. Please do not ask me to draw celebrities,  family members etc.
-Reminder that these are SKETCH commissions only. If you would like a fully finished art piece after I finish the sketch phase, I request that the difference be paid in USD.
-On that note, because these are sketches, I tend to experiment a lot. Sometimes my lines will be cleaner than others, it depends on how the drawing is talking to me that day. Regardless, I always put every effort into making every piece enjoyable.

SLOT LIST (fully or partially paid)
In order of work to be done in order of payment:
-👑 Manawrath 👑 #43887
-Katerpie #71388
- Shunkana #110039

WAIT LIST (Not yet paid)

Done! Waiting on partial payment to be fulfilled


Posted 2023-08-01 03:49:55
Omg your art are so good!
Do you mean you're offering art for 12 jay feathers atm?


Posted 2023-08-01 03:57:45
Thank you! And yes! Should I reword that part?


Posted 2023-08-01 04:06:20
Ah! Wait I forgot to ping you @MʏsteʀʏYan₪玄妙 Thank ylu!


Posted 2023-08-01 04:08:34
I think it looks fine XD, it's just that my English level is not very good, I want to confirm it before starting.
I have 12 jay feathers and def interested in ur art!  Would you like to do a monochrome sketch full body for him?


Posted 2023-08-01 04:10:11 (edited)
hello Okami! I've got 39 uses of Healing Salve I'd be willing to offer for art, preferrably coloured sketch(es). would that be enough? if so, how many artworks and if headshots/fullbodies?


Posted 2023-08-01 04:31:49
If you're still looking for healing salves, could I get:
A fullbody colored sketch of Mjanja
A fullbody colored sketch of Danai
And a colored headshot sketch of Umbrapurr?

I believe that would be x25 healing salves, or 50 uses!


Posted 2023-08-01 04:36:41
Amazing artworks! I've got 100 uses of Healing Salve and I'd love to trade them for colored full body. I'll PM you with details!


Posted 2023-08-01 05:05:03 (edited)
If you're still looking for healing salves I'd love to offer a bunch of them for colored fullbody/fullbodies! Could I pm you with details?
(I love the sketch of Rivulet with vulture mask so adorable )


Posted 2023-08-01 05:28:47 (edited)
I really wanna get colored Fullbody (1x) and Headshot (2x) in colored sketch if is possible! I have lots of HS ^^

Let me know if i can grab some slot <3
🌹Jujuba🌹 (Leaving)

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