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🦊Chipper's Leaving Wolvden Raffles and Giveaways ❗

🦊Chipper's Leaving Wolvden Raffles and Giveaways ❗
Posted 2023-08-26 09:58:49 (edited)

Hello everyone!

I've been playing Wolvden for almost two years now and I've gotten some really fun experiences out of it. However, it doesn't pull me as much as it used to and I also don't have time to keep up with events due to my job.

So I thought, instead of silently disappearing into the night, why not yeet all of my coffers and belongings back to the wolvden community like a massive whale fall at the bottom of the ocean floor? Not only that, but because there are some things that are really waaay too numerous to make raffles over i'm thinking of creating a few giveaway threads as well which I'll link here when they're up.

I'm not one of the biggest wolvden players, but I've collected a decent amount of stuff that should give a good enough boost to some smaller players :)

Current Raffles

Currency Raffles
1 SC
2 SC
3 SC
4 GC
5 GC

Applicator Raffles
1 Bases
2 Bases
3 Ciogreach Markings
4 Lunar Markings
5 Valentines + Cataclysm Markings
6 Eyes
7 Claws and Paws
8 Noses

Decor Raffles
1 Lunar
NEW! Custom Decor
NEW! Ciogreach Decor

Wolf Raffles
NEW! High Stat (900+) Low Gen (G3) Wolves
NEW! G3 T3 Albino
NEW! MISC Muties

Specialty Items
NEW! Breeding Items

NEW! Lunar Trophies
NEW! Fox Tails
NEW! Elk Antlers, Ears, and Elk Bull Mask Recipe
NEW! Mustelid Claws
NEW! Canine Claws

Upcoming Raffles

Background Raffles
Trophy Raffles
Scar Raffles
Dateable Wolves Decor Raffles
Breeding Items Raffles

Upcoming Giveaways

Common Decor
Event Decor

And more when I think of them

Chipper 🦊🎨

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