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most valuable traits in a wolf?

most valuable traits in a wolf?
Posted 2023-08-29 16:56:13
Hi all, I'm relatively new here, and I'm still trying to determine how the market values different traits in wolves and what are the most sought after. At first I thought it was mostly dependent on base rarity and generation #, but I'm starting to understand that markings also play a big role in how a wolf is valued.

How do you guys value your wolves, and what do you think people tend to look for in a wolf? Why are some priced at 90 GC and others for 1 GC? Would love to hear why!

Posted 2023-08-30 11:08:21
There are really two or three different camps when trying to determine a wolf's sale value. Statters value high stats above all and care little for rare cosmetics. Others breed specifically for mutations and will pay high prices for mutated wolves or those who carry mutations. And still others care only for rare cosmetics and will pay anything for the rarest bases and markings. If you see a wolf being sold for 90GC, it's likely mutated or has the newest rare base or over 700 birth stats.


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