Sinna's WD Experience
Posted 2023-12-11 03:06:30
3:57am CST SC: 1227 GC: 132 (100 In Raffle) (50 buried) Whooo what's to say? I binged Jujutsu Kaisen :) So I have been largely absent crying my eyes out. Just kidding, but I really did watch the anime, it's very good! Other than that, nothing interesting has happened. My monthly raffle went up slightly late, only by a couple of days, but I have been very tired lately. I did end up deciding to make it 100 GC, though! Already the turnound from tickets is about 1.5x, I'm hoping to get 2 or 3x by the time the raffle ends. That way I can set eside for future raffles. Maybe next month I include Wolf Balls as a bonus??? I haven't done much on WD or LD except work on selling stuff. It is a lot more slow going on LD. I wish you could bump raffles on that site! Most of my days here are spent bumping my raffles and trades and posting in the sales chat. Some people may not find that to be a fun playstyle, but for me I enjoy it :] I have been giving 50 SC in every gift I give (I think i have given 50 or so out by now), I started with 20 though before I decided on 50. Sorry to those people who got only 20! if you for some reason are following this thread I will happily give you more if you message me! :) Other than that, its a bunch of same old! Have a great day! |
SinnaStyx #23775 |
Posted 2024-01-01 08:15:55 (edited)
9:03am CST SC: 20447 GC: 150 (100 Buried(but it's about to be in a raffle later)) My christmas/new years raffle was a big success! I probably could have advertised more religiously but ultimately nearly 16k tickets were bought which I thought was amazing. I included sage tickets, though no one bought tickets using blue or white sage(Which honestly is to be expected). However, quite a few black sage tickets were purchased! By the end I realized I should heighten the ticket limit of a few items, which I do wish was an option after raffles have been posted. That will be remedied in the next raffle, though! I've actually been thinking about making a whole new thread to follow my monthly raffles. I've done them for a few months in a row now and I don't expect to stop soon. I am planning on keeping them at 100 GC, so that's pretty cool I think! Mostly I just want to keep ticket worth consistent and not jump around too badly from raffle to raffle(though ticket worth is made when taking current TC prices into account.) Maybe if I do make a thread, I will host giveaways when the raffle reaches certain ticket milestones? I'm hoping next Holidays raffle will be for 1000 Gold Cones! But that will be a little bit of a struggle I think if the user base doesn't grow significantly. I will probably just have to make enough GC this year to accept the net loss on the 1k raffle, which ultimately is okay with me :) Other than the raffle, I haven't done much anything else of note. I log on, check that my trades are still stocked, collect what my herbalist has and re-assign him medicine to make. I did accidentally let my wolves run away once 😅 I still haven't reassigned their hunter roles because it's so inconvenient. More reason to take care of them, huh? LOL Anyways, I hope everyone has a wonderful day, and a great New Year :) |
SinnaStyx #23775 |