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Free Muties and Carriers for Accounts Under Three Months [open]

Posted 2024-08-25 04:01:17
@Nassi rotting food is a great opportunity, you should salvage them when they're outlined in red to get bones! I make most of my GC this way, selling amusement salvaged from rotting food (I sell 1k at a time, which gets you about 20gc). it also means that I always have enough amusement for my wolves!


Posted 2024-08-25 04:25:40
Ohh that's interesting, thanks! I thought you might be able to use them somehow, but I was never sure how so I mostly just threw them away

I'm also not sure how much amusement was worth, so thanks for telling me :3

Posted 2024-08-25 10:07:51
Hello! Could I get Patches 5, please?

Posted 2024-08-27 14:38:52
Sorry for the slow responses! I'll be responding to people over the next few hours 💜


Posted 2024-08-27 14:41:52
@Nassi I'm so glad! That's very kind of you haha I'm glad to be able to contribute to WD and hopefully keep the cycle turning! It doesn't mean you wouldn't be eligible for another one if you did see one that you wanted by the way! ❤️

@Lia sending them over to you now, enjoy!

By the way, if at some point in the future you don't want them anymore, please don't chase or sell them, just give them back. That way someone else could have them. I'm sure you would never do that anyway but sadly someone has actually already done that with one of the free pies! :(


Posted 2024-08-27 14:51:03
Thank you!

Posted 2024-08-27 14:51:11
@Ninsun I'm probably just gonna start up a thread to give away these 3 pups I have rn, they're not muties and they're T2, but they do have merle and two are identical twins with some nice colors and they all have 570+ stats, so maybe some people would want them! Just waiting until they're adols first tho so people don't have to worry about survival chances

I'll come check this page out later to see if anyone catches my eye :3

Also @blacklight thanks for the tip, I just realized I had over a thousand amusement and since I wanted to save up to make my lead wolf immortal, I might as well sell them! Thanks a lot for the extra boost lol, I was getting scared I wouldn't be able to save up enough (he's nowhere near dying, but I wanted to be extra prepared since I wanted to immortalize two wolves)

Posted 2024-08-27 14:54:01
@Nassi do you know about the giveaway chat? I reckon that might be a great place to find them new homes. I reckon with those stats they will definitely find appreciative owners, and twins are definitely always popular too!


Posted 2024-08-27 14:57:51
@Ninsun, yeah! That's actually how I discovered the "chatter" page even existed lol! I'll probably advertise there then :3 thankie! They're like gen 15 or something which might put some people off, but some others don't care much about that, plus they're free anyway :3

Posted 2024-08-27 15:00:42
Honestly I don't get why people care so much about generation! I hope they find good homes 💜


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