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Community Update #112

Community Update #112
Posted 2023-10-06 22:23:31

Community Update Day!

Just as a reminder, these updates are smaller and are more focused on the community.  Whereas Development updates are centralised on adding in new features, expanding upon or adjusting existing features, and implementing new artwork and coding, Community updates are meant to introduce weekly raffles, new weekly raffle studs, new polls, and showcase some minor changes and bug fixes that have been made in the past week.

Update: Potential Herbalist Changes

Thank you all for your feedback within last week's Community Update regarding our proposed Herbalist changes!  We'll be reviewing this feedback and tweaking the plans accordingly.  We may put out some polls about this in the coming weeks as well!

Breeding Item Clarification

Following the new breeding items released during this month's Halloween event, we received some queries regarding the items and will be answering them here.

Do Wolf Meat and Wolf Blood stack?
They do not stack chances, but can be used at the same time.

Does Wolf Blood up the chance of mutations like Albinism?
Yes, as Albinism is a recessive genetic mutation.

Will Wolf Blood wipe naturally passing genetic mutations (e.g. if you breed an Albinism wolf to a Melanistic wolf and use Wolf Blood, can you get a Cataracts wolf who carries Albinism/Melanism, or will the Wolf Blood wipe the chance for Albinism/Melanism to pass)?
Wolf Blood is currently set to overwrite naturally passing genetic mutations.

Is Piebald affected by the breeding items?
Piebald is separate and can only pass from breeding Piebald parents or using the respective applicators to apply the mutations to wolves; however, it is compatible with Wolf Scrotums, which can be used to increase the chance of the mutation passing.

Official Wolvden Raffle!

Our latest weekly raffle is out!  Each person can purchase 1 ticket at maximum to have a chance at winning a neat prize for the amazing price of 5 SC per ticket! Good luck!  You can find the official raffle here!
This raffle will automatically end on 2023-10-13 at 00:30.

Raffle Stud Winners and New Raffle Stud!

Congratulations to the players that won a breeding with last week's raffle stud!  You'll know if you won, as you'll have received a Game Notification in your inbox informing you of such! As a reminder, the previous raffle stud's exclusive attributes were the Brown Lupos, Honey Cougar, and Honey Wings Heavy markings!

Our newest weekly raffle stud has been released!  His special attributes are Bloodhound eyes and the Black Cougar, Red Inverted Panda, and Red Panda markings!  Enter for a chance to win a breeding with him by clicking here!

Poll Results!

Thank you all for voting on last week's poll!  We're not surprised to see that the cryptids were the favourite part of the event for many of you!

For our new poll: Due to feedback, we will redesign the default Blue Jay Feather decor.  Which design would look best to you?  Let us know by clicking here!

Minor Change

* All Herbalist actions have received an EXP boost.
* Mohkra's Quest payout increased from 3 ME to 5 ME.

Bug Fix

* Bug fix confirmed for Purchase button on Mohkra's page.
* Fixed an issue that might get players stuck in endless Rollover limbo when a puppy gets injured.
* Bug fix confirmed for Volukros Feather has no remnant.
* Bug fix confirmed for Axolotl artwork not anatomically correct.
* Bug fix confirmed for Blood Rain Encounter Typo.
* Bug fix confirmed for Charged encounters outside dreamlands.
* Bug fix confirmed for Badger takes multiple uses of the same herb.
* Bug fix confirmed for Can't unassign a traveler if they're in a pair bond.
* Bug fix confirmed for Missing Cryptid Event Achievements Despite Having All Discovered.
* Bug fix confirmed for Shows adopted daughter under a male wolf.
* Bug fix confirmed for Three Scout Pins.
* Bug fix confirmed for Hunting party synergy stuck over multiple hunts.
* Bug fix confirmed for Highest stat Stalkers not finding Large Trails in final biomes.
* Bug fix confirmed for Volukros Feather Remnants Not Visable in Item Catalogue.
* Bug fix confirmed for New Scars aren't dropping.

Posted 2023-10-06 22:23:45
Dakota (semi-inactive)

Posted 2023-10-06 22:25:28 (edited)
Ayyeeeeee News >:)

+S C W O M P+

Posted 2023-10-06 22:25:37
Woooo news


Posted 2023-10-06 22:25:41
Yes newsss

Posted 2023-10-06 22:26:24
The stud


Posted 2023-10-06 22:26:57
Yay, news!

A handsome raffle stud, some well-noted herbalist changes being finally reviewed by community standpoints, and even a redesign on a (rather clunky and bulky imho) decor!

Seems this week's gonna be a handful.

[Kim] Rolling Events Only

Posted 2023-10-06 22:26:59
I like news

⛧🖤 ꫝꪖᦔꪊక𓆏 Hiatus Hat🕷

Posted 2023-10-06 22:29:57

Also lol they already boosted Herbalist experience a bit, people were really livid abt that


Posted 2023-10-06 22:31:21
Good news!

Celtic Ravens