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How to choose a project?

How to choose a project?
Posted 2023-10-07 20:02:14
Hi there! So I am not particularly new to Wolvden, and I've been trying to get into the genetics/breeding aspect of it. I have quite some interesting-looking wolves, but my question is, especially for those who have been playing for a while
How do you choose a project to do? How did you select what you wanted to do?
For example, I have seen some red panda-looking wolves (I have one of those), there are people who breed only sepias, or T3 bases, but how to choose, instead of getting drifted away by every cool--looking wolf and marking in here?
It may be a weird question, and maybe I'm just a nerd for organizing things but, yeah, ty for you help :)

Posted 2023-10-08 21:07:08 (edited)
A lot of players focus on a specific set of T3 bases. Usually these players have a stud and many female breeder wolves of this category/tier. For example, you might choose to focus only on Muted Medium III wolves (Badger, Pearl, Lily), have a badger stud, and maybe badger females.

However, you're free to specialize in anything -- specific or general! Maybe you really want Holly-eyed Cool Dark IIIs with Silver Wings, or maybe you just want Dark Hazel-eyed wolves in general. Either way, you don't *have* to let your breeding project dictate your entire pack.

For me, I like too many bases to limit myself to one category. My current breeding project is just building a lineage from scratch (from NBWs). I'd like to have only Novus or Dust-eyed wolves in this lineage, but I won't be too bothered if they don't, and this lineage will only be a small part of my pack.

The main point is: Choose a breeding project that you *enjoy*!
Hope that helped ^^


Posted 2023-10-10 13:04:20
I think the first thing you want to decide is what kind of scope you want. Do you want a project as broad as 'Breed Tier IIIs', or do you want a really specific project, like 'Breed a wolf with these exact markings'? I prefer the latter type, despite how time-consuming and difficult it is. Broader projects bore me.

Once you've decided scope, I'd recommend narrowing down what it is you're after - personal interests, or site interests? Do you want to breed lots of Tier IIIs so the market is full of them and more people can get them? Or do you want to breed a specific base so your pack is full of it because it's your favorite, nevermind that it isn't hugely popular/rare?

As for not getting distracted by the next cool thing - I have a list of projects, and I can't go on to the next until I finish one. And I keep projects in their own den and only use them for roles if absolutely necessary, so they don't mess up hunting parties and such.


Posted 2023-10-18 15:20:18
I do my projects around markings. These are just the most interesting for me personally.

1. Complete monochrome. Must have monochrome base and only white/silver/gray/sterling/black marks.
2. 10 cougar marks. See how close I can get to this without resorting to inbreeding.
3. 10 auburn marks. I kicked this one off with 2 custom created with matching red and black marks in each slot.

If I had more time and money I'd do more like #3- how many silver marks can I get, etc.

🍂 Leonca 🐆

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