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Code Breaker Leaderboard

Code Breaker Leaderboard
Posted 2023-11-08 07:57:15
I had the idea of a leaderboard for code breaker! A daily and maybe a weekly. And you get some SC for being on the leaderboard by the end of the rollover(the week end rollover in that case)
It's been a while since I've placed on the fishing leaderboard but if I recall correctly that's how it functions! I think it would be great for that to exist for code breaker.

I'm not really sure whether it should be a local biome leaderboard or a global leaderboard, I'd love opinions on that!


Posted 2023-11-08 16:46:27
Everywolf would have the same highest score as it relies on difficulty and number of steps done.


Posted 2023-11-08 16:48:54
I was thinking it would stack continually, not a highest score from a single round


Posted 2023-11-08 16:54:28
To get the highest score possible players would rely on luck by solving in a couple of moves. It would frustrate players who repeatedly start game after game in order to get the highest score.


Posted 2023-11-08 16:57:27
each round would stack is what I mean, so if you get 900 on one game and 1000 on another, you have 1900 scores for the leaderboard, and so on.


Posted 2023-11-08 17:02:32
It would sound okay to me if it was time-based instead.


Posted 2023-11-08 17:03:32
That sounds interesting, can you elaborate?


Posted 2023-11-08 17:12:08
Love this idea, if it stacks with each game like you mentioned - it would give an incentive for playing more than once a day


Posted 2023-11-08 17:16:02
The clock starts ticking on the first guess and stops on the correct one. The player with the shortest time wins. It should count for several first games and to avoid skipping by the players all these games should be won to be eligible - closing the game before the end means loss.


Posted 2023-11-08 17:23:32
@Dżanek wouldn't that encourage rerolling in rng more? It seems the best strat for that would be restarting the game until you get it right away.

Like fishing the rewards wouldn't be super high(I'm pretty sure fishing is 50sc if you get first and like 10sc for other places? It's been awhile since I've placed though, couldn't find the numbers by searching) So with the system of it stacking, it wouldn't be worth going for unless you genuinely enjoy the game and it's fun to get on the leaderboard(with a little reward for your time, and getting rewarded for your achievements is just more fun)


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