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Recording past wolvden raffle studs? [closed]

Recording past wolvden raffle studs? [closed]
Posted 2023-11-18 04:50:30 (edited)
Hello, I would like to know if anyone keeps a record of past wolvden stud? It would be interesting to look at the past wolves in raffle studs. In addition, I fell in love with the wolf before last and i want look at him again
(Under wolvden raffle stud i mean a official week's raffle stud in news)


Posted 2023-11-18 04:55:36
There's no real need to track them. They all exist on an actual account, so they are always there to find ^^


Posted 2023-11-18 04:56:53
oh!!! Thank you so much!!!!


Posted 2023-11-18 05:00:51
No problem. I was honestly quite intrigued to learn this myself, and only did after I had got a breeding to a raffle stud. It actually also allows you to find their descendants/offspring too, since they are actual wolves, unlike a similar feature on LioDen with one event's studs.


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