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Any css/html guides yall know of?

Any css/html guides yall know of?
Posted 2023-11-19 23:23:39
I have been searching for a CSS/html guide for customizing your den or w/e, but I can't seem to find one on this site.

I did however find at least one thread, but sadly from what I seen it looks outdated/old.

This is not a thread asking for free CSS or w/e, as I want to make my own, and not use someone else's.

Posted 2023-11-20 07:55:20
It might be called "outdated" but it's not really all that outdated at all. The template they included still works as a basic form of CSS layout to get you started.

The thing I think they're missing is how adding CSS to your den got simplified at some point. Here's the instructions on doing that:
-Use a host like Dropbox (it's free and probably one of the easier ones that I know of).
-Upload your file (make sure it is saved as a .css file!) to Dropbox.
-Find the "share link" or "share" button (going off the top of my head here, so not 100% sure which one it's called; I believe if you right click on the file in Dropbox you'll also find the option).
-Go to your Den. Find the "CSS Files" section near the very bottom of your den page.
-Paste the link you got from Dropbox, but don't save it yet! You need to modify the link slightly.
-Change the "www." to "dl." As an example, you can see below:
(This is my own, very messy den's code. I don't recommend using it to help, if you visit the link lol)

-Once you modify it, save or preview to check it out!


Posted 2023-11-20 12:36:26
Ok thanks! I actually kinda figured it out last night ( I still am having trouble customizing those wolf pictures though!)

but thanks anyway, I will keep those codes in mind + look at them so thanks for showing me them.

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