Posted 2023-11-21 07:34:49 (edited)
I'm not sure if this has been suggested or talked about before, so if so please forgive me!
I was thinking it could be cool to introduce a new mutation at some point in the game, the mutation being Vitiligo. This is a very loose idea and I'd love feedback and suggestions on what you think of this, and ways it could improve!
Function Ideas
⚜️ Maybe 3-4 different "types." Similar to how we have Torn Pies and Uneven Pies. Could make breeding for it more interesting as some people may prefer a certain type over another, etc
⚜️ Mutation grows/spreads on the wolf as it ages, and stops spreading at a set age once the wolf is an adult. (Ex. Starts with a few white specks on a newborn, and ends with various spots and patches as an adult)
⚜️ If parent 1 has Type 2 Viti and parent 2 has Type 4 Viti, their offspring could have the chance of having either Type 2 or 4, and so on.
-Could also just be a case of making it completely spontaneous, so regardless of what type the parent has, their offspring could have the chance of getting another type. (Making it be spontaneous of course would negate the idea of trying to breed for a specific type)
⚜️ Coding. As far as I'm aware we don't have a mutation that visually changes as wolves grow on-site yet, so it would be a matter of a bit more coding.
This is where any helpful suggestions from you guys will be listed!
As I said, I'm not sure if this has been suggested before, and it's just a rough idea I had that I think could be a cool addition to Wolvden if expanded on!